Early Detection and Intervention

Spectrum Signs: 10 Clear Signs of Autism in Toddlers

Spectrum Signs: 10 Clear Signs of Autism in Toddlers

My journey, which I share with you today, is not just about recognizing spectrum signs, but also about amplifying awareness. When my son turned one, amidst the joyous milestones and his heartwarming giggles, I couldn’t help but notice certain behaviors that set him apart from his peers. Sharing my concerns with my husband was met

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How to Improve Eye Contact in Autism Effectively

how to improve eye contact autism

When my son was diagnosed with autism, a whirlwind of questions stormed my mind. One that particularly stood out was centered on his interaction with the world around him. How to improve eye contact in autism? His beautiful eyes would often wander away, avoiding direct gaze, leaving me wondering what was going on in his

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Difference Between Autism and Speech Delay

Difference Between Autism and Speech Delay

Every parent eagerly awaits their child’s first words. We celebrate those initial coos, giggles, and eventual “mamas” or “dadas.” However, when those milestones delay, concerns naturally arise. Is it merely a speech delay or something more, like autism? The difference between autism and speech delay isn’t always immediately clear. Many a night, I’ve laid awake

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